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How To Get Decades Of Sales Experience In Months...

(Even If You're Just Starting In Sales)

No Gimmicks, Shenanigans, Or BS... Just Straight Results From 27-Years In The Industry Testing EVERY Strategy...

So You Can Have THE Proven Methods...

End To End Logistics Sales Mastery

Logistics Sales - Your Key To Freedom...

Regardless if you're an entrepreneur or you work for a company...

Sales is the greatest career in the world, and to be in logistic sales, it's your gateway to unlimited freedom...

 The Logistics industry is 12% of the GLOBAL GDP... That's 12% of 84.54 TRILLION - So... There's a piece of the pie for you!!!

  • Fast-Track Your Commissions...

  • By saving years of trying to learn the Logistics Sales game on your own.

  • Change Your Results In As Little As 7 Days...

  • Through 27-Years of testing thousands of strategies, we deliver the best ones to help you change your presents results almost instantly... 

  • Accountability Coaching - Built In...

  • With a FULL Year of coaching directly with Dan you have accountability through Q&A twice a week, build into The Logistics Sales Mastery Program.

  • NO Sales Skills Needed...

  • This is NOT a program thats only for experienced reps. ANYONE regardless of sales skill WILL see massive gains in their sales career!

  • Eliminates Stress & Sales Call Anxiety...

  • The days of procrastinating about picking up the phone will evaporate quickly! Our proven strategy eliminates anxiety and stress related to prospecting... 

    Get Inception Today!
  • Everything You Need To Succeed - Included With Logistics Sales Mastery... 

    Step By Step Videos

    Each module is broken into bite size consumable chunks that build off each other. Allowing you to watch as little or as much as you want without ever feeling like you're leaving a session behind... 

    Full Lesson Guides

    Each module comes with a FULL edition guidebook. Complete with a "paint by the numbers" way to ensure you're digesting the information and acting on the deliverables instantly. 

    2 Coaching Calls A Week 

    Now, more than ever, we nee to get past our challenges faster. Clients are not no longer patient with reps, so we go live twice a week with Q&A, Special "Members Only" training, Industry Icons, and even Hot Seats...

    Get This Deal Before Price Goes Up

    (Today Only $1997.00 CAD)

    Sales Mastery Is Yours

    Benefits Of Inception... The KEY To Results Driven Sales Training...

  • Collapse timelines and turn decades into months...

  • Regardless of where you are in your career, Inception is designed to take you 20-steps further...

  • From Phycological to tactical, Inception has you covered from baseline to superstructure business practices...

  • Strategies and frameworks that WORK in today's market...

  • Industry icons monthly delivering the latest news, strategy, and what's coming...

  • Exclusive access to new programs and members only events... all designed to help you move faster and close more deals... 

  • Course Created by

    Dan Deigan

    With 27 years of sales experience in logistics. Dan's mission is to help 10,000 reps reach $1,000,000 in GP annually... 

    The Results You Can Get... Speak For Themselves...

    4.9 stars from our students around the world

    "This was the BEST return for my money, hands down. You’ve given me millions of dollars in profit with this advise, coaching, and sales simplification."

    Ottilie H

    Hillsdale, CA

    “Inception is the only training program I have found that helps you develop as a professional sales rep. It’s not just tactics or strategy, it’s a full deliverable program that been my saving grace!”

    Ryan M

    Pickering, ON

    "In his teachings, he helps set individual goals and creates a forum to knock down mental blocks and replace them with focus and confidence."

    Andrew K

    Toronto, ON

    "Hands down the best program I have ever got into. My results are fast and clients are happier than ever"

    Derin A


    "Dan was referred to me when I was looking for fresh ideas in coaching my sales team. It quickly became very clear to me just how easy this recommendation was passed on, as Dan is without a doubt, the most passionate and dedicated person I’ve met."

    Lori G

    Calgary, AB

    "I listening or follow a video before a cold calling session. It realigns my focus and overall understanding of the process, allowing me to make the most out of every call."

    Jasmine G

    Atlanta, GA

    Logistics Sales Mastery Is A Click Away...

    Here's What You Get When You Join Inception...

    The ONLY End-To-End Sales Growth System In The Market...

    9-Week Course - Over 31 Modules & Workbooks

    These Easy To Follow modules take you step by step with each video building off the next. DON'T let the size of the course scare you... Regardless of your present industry experience, you're NEVER lost or cnfused...

    $1997.00 In Value

    Live Coaching With Dan

    TWICE a week, we go live to answer questions, do hot seats, bring in special guests and share new frameworks that are killing it in today's markets.

    $20,800 In Value

    Tools And Extra Bonuses...

    Including The Cold Call Playbook / The Perfect Prospecting Playbook / TWO Tickets To The High-Performance Logistics Sales Summit / And So Much More...


    Total Value - $24,782

    Get started today for just a 1-time investment of only $1,997

    Here's What Bonuses You Get...

    Bonus #1: The Perfect Prospecting Playbook

    This powerful playbook helps you craft your ideal client, the questions you need to ask to identify your ideal client and an entire sales sequence, simply by answering a few questions... 

    ($97 Value)

    Bonus #2: The Cold Call Playbook

    Master your cold call and email process in under 60-minutes with this proprietary framework QCESP... This playbook strategically maps out your entire cold call and gives you the confidence to open ANY size client! 

    ($497 Value)

    Bonus #3: TWO Tickets To The 2024 High-Performance Logistics Sales Summit

    Get TWO tickets with exclusive access to all speakers, and panelists at the 2024 High-Performance Logistics Sales Summit. 

    ($394 Value)

    Bonus #4: The Four Pillars Of Personal Greatness

    This One Of A Kind course gives you the tools, strategy, and frameworks to fully grasp the Four Main Pillars that lead to our personal and professional greatness. This 5-Week Exclusive course has been a staple in our community for over FIVE years..

    ($997 Value)

    The Total Value Of This Package Amounts To More Than $24,000 In Absolute Value!

    So...What's The Catch?

    You have to want it...

    You HAVE to want to reach what ever your definition of success is. I can give you all the tools that have already helped dozens of reps change their lives and business in ways most only dream of, however, YOU have to be dedicated to doing the work. 

    If anyone tells you this is easy, they ARE LYING... and you should RUN! 

    It's NOT easy, however, it's a hell of a lot easier when you follow these strategies and work a proven program to...

    • Collapse timelines and get more done in WAY LESS time! 

    • Join a like-minded community ready and willing to cheer you on... 

    • Get you back on track within 48-hours through our twice a week LIVE calls!

    • Special Members ONLY training and events to help you scale faster... 

    Founder High-Performance Logistics Sales - #SalesHacker - Freight Fanatic! 


    Who Am I And Why Should You Believe Me

    In case you don't know me already, my name is Dan Deigan.


    When I started in this industry at the ripe age of 17, there was no "official" training process. I sat with other sales reps, never knowing if their strategies would help or hurt my overall success.


    This "incredibly sophisticated and strategic" sales training acted more like a game of Broken Telephone than training salespeople for long-term success. 


    Sick of the lack of training available (that actually produced results), I set out on a mission to get as much sales training as possible (and succeeding in finding the ideal method!). 


     And now, I want to share this method with as many reps as possible... so you can cut the learning curve and fast-track your results.


    ...No more wasted time,

    ...No more spinning your wheels.


    Discover The Method That Transformed My Business (And So Much More), When You Reserve Your Seat For The Sell Something Else Masterclass...

    "Inception is everything an account manager needs to start from the bottom and build a business, so long as you put in the hard work and consistency, Dan will deliver the framework, direction, and process to be successful no matter where you are at in sales skill."

    John Wilson

    Account Manager

    Frequently Asked Questions...

    i. What happens if I don't see results?

    If you work the program and show up for the live calls yet don't see any results, we do not want your money. This is where our 110% refund guarantee comes in. We will not only give you 100% of your money back, but we will also throw in another 10% for your time. 

    ii. How is it possible that you can guarantee results?

    After years of coaching sales reps and sharing these strategies, we know that you're not using them and know they produce tremendous results. Even if it's just your confidence that gets enhanced because you're set with a solid framework that you trust. Your results in your sales WILL follow. They always do. Since we've started the High-Performance Logistics programs, not a single student has been refunded, and we've been able to help 95% of our students 4,5 and even 10X their results. 

    iii. What is the time commitment?

    We suggest that you put at a minimum, an hour each day for the lessons. If you could, do two hours to allow you time for the live calls to answer any questions or present your challenges for us to respond and provide you with a game plan to move past the issue immediately. 

    iiii. Where do your live calls come into play?

    Wednesday to Friday, We go live at 4 PM EST to answer any questions, teach frameworks in a different voice, share insights, or next-level training if time allows. Each of these calls is an hour in length and will be recorded and put into the members' area as additional content for you to watch if you desire to. 


    iiiii. How is the course delivered?

    These videos are in your members' area and are designed with adult learning theory in mind and build off each other. Some days are a heavier lift than others and exercises to complete before you go to market to test it. Each module builds off the previous one and all of them have a very specific workbook to help you implement ALL the frameworks and training.  



    • "Most people say they want to make a ton of money, live a life filled with freedom, and be able to show their families what's possible... but never make a move to attain it..."

      Dan Deigan

    Make The Move To Your Desire Now!